In the period from October 2 to 8, 2022. In the framework of the Erasmus project, students from our school, accompanied by teachers Marija Oklopčić and Sandra Rautalin, stayed in Szisko, Hungary.

The host school was Szent Márton Katolikus Gimnázium és Áltános Iskola from Szikszó,

The activities were spread over five days.

On the first day, the students presented on the given topics of biomimicry – Transport and logistics, Industrial goods. After that, we visited the farm, tried local products and watched cheese production.

On the second day, we visited the Karcag electrical and electronic waste recycling plant, followed by a visit to the ecocenter on Lake Tisza, a boat trip.

On the third day, a visit to the Eger Castle, the observatory, the library and the Basilica of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist, St. Michael and the Immaculate Conception, built in 1831-1836. (one of the three largest churches in Hungary).

The most exciting attraction of the observatory is the Camera obscura, which is located at the top of the tower, where a live image of the city is projected onto the table with a system of lenses and mirrors.

On the fourth day, a visit to the royal castle of Grašalković (Gödöllő) and the Domony valley, where we rode a carriage and enjoyed an equestrian show, saw an exhibition in the Lazareum museum where the history of the carriage, Hungarian equestrian sport and the carriage career of the Lázár brothers were presented.

On the fifth day, students made patchwork pillows (one of the solutions for disposing of old clothes without accumulating waste and harming the environment).

We ended the day with a visit to the town of Lillafüred, visited the travertine cave Anna.

On the sixth day, return to our beautiful country.

U periodu od 2. do 8.listopada.2022. godine u skolopu Erasmus projekta učenici naše škole u pratnji nastavnica Marije Oklopčić i Sandre Rautalin boravili su u Mađarskoj u Szisku.

Škola domaćin bila je Szent Márton Katolikus Gimnázium és Általános Iskola iz Szikszó,

Aktivnosti su bile raspoređene kroz pet dana.

Prvi dan učenici su prezentirali po zadanim temama biomimikrije – Transport i logistika, Industrijska roba. Nakon toga posjetili smo farmu, probali domaće proizvode i gledali proizvodnju sira.

Drugi dan posjetili smo tvornicu za recikliranje električnog i elektroničkog otpada Karcag, a nakon toga posjet ekocentru na jezeru Tisza,  izlet brodom.

Treći dan posjet dvorcu Eger, opservatoriju,knjižnici i bazilici svetog Ivana apostola i evanđelista, svetog Mihaela i Bezgrešnog začeća sagrađena 1831-1836. (jedna od tri najveće crkve u Mađarskoj).

Najuzbudljivija atrakcija opservatorija je  Camera obscura koja se nalazi  na vrhu tornja,gdje se na stol sustavom leća i ogledala projicira živa slika grada.

Četvrti dan posjet kraljevskom dvorcu  Grašalković ( Gödöllő) i dolini Domony, gdje smo se vozili kočijom i uživali u konjičkoj predstavi, vidjeli izložbu u  muzeju Lazareum gdje je predstavljena povijest kočije, mađarski konjički sport i kočijašku karijeru braće Lázár.

Peti dan učenici su izrađivali patchwork jastuke (jedno od rješenja za zbrinjavanje stare odjeće bez gomilanja otpada i štetnoga djelovanja na okoliš).

Dan smo završili posjetom gradu Lillafüred , posjetili sedrenu špilju Anna.

Šesti dan povratak u lijepu našu.