Through the project activities of the Erasmus+ Project JET (Joint Environmental Training), our teachers created digital content that can be used for teaching general education subjects. Through the questions in the interactive quiz, all the activities and goals of the Project are covered, as well as the some questions about the culture and the heritage of the 4 destinations- cities and the surrounding area of the bearers of this Project. (Split- Croatia, Rumilly- France, Szisko- Hungary and Foligno- Italy)

Erasmus+ JET Teaching and learning activities

Kroz projektne aktivnosti Erasmus+ Projekta JET (Joint Inveronmental Training) naši su nastavnici izradili digitalni sadržaj koji se može koristiti u nastavi općeobrazovnih predmeta. Kroz pitanja u interaktivnom kvizu obuhvaćene su sve aktivnosti i ciljevi Projekta kao i pitanja o kulturi i baštini 4 destinacije koje su nositelji ovog Projekta. (Split- Croatia, Rumilly- France, Szisko- Hungary and Foligno- Italy)