Through the project activities of the Erasmus+ Project JET (Joint Environmental Training), our teachers created digital content that can be used for teaching general education subjects. Through the questions in the interactive quiz, all the activities and goals of the Project are covered,…
During the 2 years long period of the JET project, students from all participating schools were collecting materials about Biomimicry and the methods of using the forces of nature for the benefit of human being. The result of their work is very useful…
Public presentation of Project activities We made a presentation to showcase the completed project and all the activities completed over the last two years. Our students, teachers, members of the local government, members of our Tourist board and staff from the Nature Park…
Restoration of the school garden Considering the state of our school which has been reconstructed for the past two years with the goal of building a new, better equipped school in the same area, we had to find a different place to finish…
From March 26 to April 1, 2023, the fourth and last mobility within the JET Project was held in the Italian city of Foligno. The hosts of this mobility were the teachers and students of the “Instituto tehnico economico F. Scarpellini” school. An…
In the period from October 2 to 8, 2022. In the framework of the Erasmus project, students from our school, accompanied by teachers Marija Oklopčić and Sandra Rautalin, stayed in Szisko, Hungary. The host school was Szent Márton Katolikus Gimnázium és Áltános Iskola…
The second mobility within the Erasmus+ project JET- Joint Environmental Training was held in France from 03-09. April 2022 2nd grade students Hana Višić and Petra Okmažić, 2nd grade student Ena Đelilović and 3rd grade student Antonio Savić Padovan participated in mobility (he…
In the period from October 11 to 15, 2021. in the framework of the Erasmus project, our school hosted guests from Italy, Hungary and France. It was the first of the 4 planned mobilities of the JET (Joint Environmental Training) project. Schools participating…